Breakout Session 3: Scaling up Community-Private Sector Business Models
Date & Time
Sunday, September 8, 2019, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Fred Nelson - Maliasili
South Africa
Paul Stewart - TechnoServe
Tiana Andriamanana - Fanamby Malagasy
Gillian Pais - McKinsey Kenya
Damian Bell - Honeyguide Foundation Tanzania
Paul Stewart - TechnoServe
Tiana Andriamanana - Fanamby Malagasy
Gillian Pais - McKinsey Kenya
Damian Bell - Honeyguide Foundation Tanzania

Conservation business models face the challenge of developing sustainable nature-based enterprises that generate real value and opportunities for local communities. This session will provide an overview of promising models for community-private sector partnerships and opportunities to unlock greater wealth creation from wildlife, forests, and other resources. Co-organized by McKinsey & Company Partnership for Forests Program and Maliasili.
Note: This session will be translated into French as well.
Auditorium - KCC