Breakout Session 5: The New Lion Economy
Date & Time
Sunday, September 8, 2019, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Peter Lindsey - Lion Recovery Fund, Wildlife Conservation Network
Sue Stolton - Equilibrium Research United Kingdom
Hassan Sachedina - BioCarbon Partners Zambia
Bekezela Ndlovu - African Bush Camp Foundation Zimbabwe
Michel Masozera - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Rwanda
Sue Stolton - Equilibrium Research United Kingdom
Hassan Sachedina - BioCarbon Partners Zambia
Bekezela Ndlovu - African Bush Camp Foundation Zimbabwe
Michel Masozera - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Rwanda

The session will provide interested business people and conservationists with step-by-step guidance to unlocking the ecosystem service values in lion landscapes, and a set of tools to help. Panellists will give a series of very brief presentations to describe the context and the various ecosystem services available, along with examples of how they have been transformed into business ventures. An interactive session will then: (1) start with guidance on judging if a country or region is “benefits-ready” for the sustainable use of ecosystem services; (2) then introduce various methods for assessing these services; and finally (3) describe ways of exploiting the business opportunities provided by ecosystem services.