Breakout Session 6: Beyond Hunting and Tourism: Evaluating current options other than hunting and tourism, and brainstorming additional approaches for funding community conservation
Date & Time
Sunday, September 8, 2019, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Melissa De Kock - World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
South Africa
Mark Opel - The Conservation Finance Network Usa
Rodgers Lubilo - Zambia CBNRM Forum Zambia
Mark Opel - The Conservation Finance Network Usa
Rodgers Lubilo - Zambia CBNRM Forum Zambia

The session will comprise both an evaluation of the current funding approaches in addition to hunting and tourism and brainstorming on possible additional models for funding community conservation.
The session will begin with a brief presentation of the WWF- Norway/ Luc Hoffman Institute project and research on current community-led conservation funding models apart from hunting and tourism; followed by interventions from community conservation experts and conservation financing experts, and then an open brainstorming session around possible new funding models that can help sustain community-led conservation in a rapidly changing world. These ideas will be presented for further inputs and discussion.